Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Tough Week, Good God

Last week my family received some very upsetting news. My sister in law, Alisa, who is pregnant found out she has cervical cancer. Needless to say, it has taken us all by surprise. Today, she and my brother met with an oncologist to determine the best plan of treatment in this situation. It does not appear to be invasive so she will continue to see the oncologist throughout the pregnancy and treatment will begin after my niece/nephew is born.

While this news has been difficult to learn, as a family we are thankful. Thankful that the cancer has been diagnosed and caught rather early...there is no telling when it would have been discovered if Alisa was not pregnant.

I would appreciate each of you joining me in praying for Roger and Alisa:
  • That Alisa would be healed
  • That both Alisa and the baby will be healthy
  • That Roger and Alisa will enjoy the pregnancy
  • Wisdom for everyone involved- Roger, Alisa, doctors, etc.


Kayce said...

Roger, Alisa, Baby Masters and everyone else involved are in my thoughts and prayers. HUGS!!!

Snow said...

Praying for you and your family. Hang in there. I just witnessed firsthand how God sustained my friends' newborn baby who was not supposed to live or even survived the birth. The road is long, but beating all odds, he is home with his parents instead of the hospital. Yesterday, I also heard a testimony from a gentleman at my church about how God sustained his life that was full of pain. Like he shared - God is still in the miracle business.

JEff said...

You already know this (I hope), but I have and will continue to pray for your family.

Jane said...

Thanks everyone! They now think it is more precancerous than anything. Our family definitely appreciates all your prayers!