Tuesday, July 15, 2008

I Don't Think It Was Decaf!!!

First mistake, meeting the realtor at Starbuck's. Second mistake, thinking it was wrong to park my car at Starbuck's without going in and buying a little something while I waited for my realtor. Third mistake, ordering a nonfat decaf latte. Fourth mistake, drinking the whole thing.

It's 11:00 pm and I can't get to sleep. I know it isn't that late, but I will pay in the morning when the alarm goes off at 4:40 am.

On another note, I saw a definite possibility on the house hunt tonight. I don't want to say to much because I am trying to contain my excitement. I'll know more tomorrow and will keep you all posted!

1 comment:

JEff said...

I wish I had known you were still awake! I didn't get your message until 9, 10 your time and thought it was too late to call. Now I'm heading to bed. I'll try to catch you sometime tomorrow.