Friday, July 11, 2008

Birthdays and a New Goal

I wanted to take a moment and wish two great guys a happy birthday. Happy birthday to my big brother, Stuart, and my friend, Jeff.

On a completely different note, I thought I would share my new goal!

Now, where do I even begin? I think maybe it should be with some intense stretching and buying one of those exercise balls. I am a little worried that the ball might roll out from underneath me. However, I think I might add this to my list of "things I want to accomplish before I turn 30".


Meems said...

I have to say the exercise ball is an ingenious creation. It serves well as a weight lifting bench and a stretching/balancing tool. I love mine... wish I used it more often but I love it nevertheless.

btw... you sure look fit and trim on your yellow one. (grin)

Jane said...

Ha ha ha!!! You are so funny. Not only am I fit and trim in that picture, my hair has grown extremely fast and I had it dyed. I'm looking forward to purchasing mine and getting started on this new little goal.