Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Sugar and Spice? Puppy Dog Tails?

I am very proud to announce that my family is expecting a new addition to the family. My younger brother, Roger, and his wife, Alisa, are expecting their first child this Fall. They went to the doctor yesterday and everything looks great. Both families are thrilled and I am excited about being an aunt, yet again!

Congratulations Roger and Alisa!!!


michellem said...

Yea! I'm glad it's them!! Few minutes before they told us, Mamaw had just told me that Madeline needed a playmate. I told her it would have to come form somewhere else, we were done! :)

Kayce said...

YAY!! CONGRATS!! Where is Roger living these days?

Jane said...

Michelle- What you aren't going to have a third? :)

Kayce- They live in Temple. He is a Temple coach and teacher...I know he is a trader!!! ;)