Monday, May 26, 2008


Does anybody else ever wonder if people are reading these things? Just one of those thoughts that have crossed my mind this evening.


Pat said...

Hi Jane,
I just happened to meander to my desktop to take a scroll down my "favorites" and there you are asking if anyone reads!! I read, but admit not to comment a whole lot. A fact that I will be forced to change starting next week!! I am hoping that you are going to help me change the Hmmmmmm...question on Pantylines, otherwise I am going to be in quite a pickle :)
How was the house hunt?

Jane said...

Thanks for the comment, Pat. We'll definitely tackle the "hmmmmm" question on Pantylines. I had a couple of thoughts last week and over the weekend on that one.

The house hunt went well considering. I only saw 4, but it is a start. I am compiling my next list of those I want to see and will go from there. It is a much more time consuming process than I anticipated.

Meems said...

HMMMMMMM! Every time I hear that I think of my little e-bear. I must say it a lot because he copies me. So now when he is looking for something or when he doesn't know the answer to something he just continues milling around at my feet saying hmmmm in the sweetest little questioning tone.

Don't really know the total answer to your question... you DID ask if anyone "reads". I have found there are a whole lot more readers on blogs than commenters... so you never know.

Anonymous said...

Hey! I forgot to have you sign me up while we were there, so I'm still anonymous for now. You know I'm a faithful reader!!!


Jane said...

Meems- Jacob does that too, but now that we are so "old" we get this little index finger to the lips which is always followed by, "Let me think about that." LOL! Readers vs.'s a tough group. I actually put some counters on the work blogs for that very reason.

Michelle, aka "Anonymous"- We did forget to do that. What were we thinking? I guess we ate out and did too much shopping to remember to create a blog ID for you. How about August? You know in between new babies, birthday parties, and anniversaries...should be tons of time! :)

JEff said...

It's one of the ways I keep up with you. Of course I read! (I'd like to take the opportunity to point out that many readers are more apt to read the more a blog is updated.)That last part sounds mean. It isn't; I'm tired and can't be creative.

Jane said...

Ab- Good point...just wait until I finish the post I am working on. It's a good one. I'll also take the time to point out that you married a blog obsessed man which makes updating your blog a piece of cake. If this was actually Jeff's comment, then you are a tad blog obsessed and that makes it easy for you. I'll also confess that looking for a house has really cut down on the amount of time I have to blog, but that sounds like a good post...